Lost Car Keys in Philadelphia Pa at the Sugar House
I go to the Sugar House Casino quite frequently but I was surprised to find out that the car key shop Philadelphia guys would show up there too. My name is Larry and like I said I go to Sugar House at least twice a week. Usually I don’t win. But this time I lucked up and won twenty five hundred dollars on the quarter slot machine. The bells ringing the lights flashing quarters popping out of the slot like water. There were little old ladies patting me on the back and giving me the little buckets to catch my quarters in. And then after I got myself together to go cash all those quarters for a more manageable form of cash, I left to go to the customer service counter. The lost car keys portion of my story begins here, after I cash in and decide to go home. After I stuffed a rather large wad of cash in my pocket and head for the door I notice I didn’t have my car keys with me. I had Lost Car Keys in Philadelphia Pa at the Sugar House !
By the time I got back to my machine with the security escort one of the little old ladies was already at the machine hoping some of the luck would rub off. “No honey didn’t see no keys” she said never taking her eyes off the screen and still popping quarters. We had better go get you a locksmith the security guard suggested. After we get to the office the guard and his partners Google up the lost car keys guys and make arrangements for them to come make me a new set of keys. “If you want you can go back to playing the machine and we’ll come and get you when he’s done” the floor manager said with that sly Los Vegas type grin. No thanks I told him, I think I’ll just watch some of these videos the lost car keys guy has on his site. The guy shows up quickly and not a minute too soon, the offer to play another thirty minutes and earn some complimentary buffet food was getting pretty tempting. After about forty five minutes in the parking lot the locksmith had me in the car and on my way home. The guy from The Car Key Shop not only got me in my car but he also got me home twenty four hundred and eighty dollars richer after I gave him a twenty dollar tip. Thanks a lot my friend Larry from Sugar House%%%.