Google helps you find Philadephia Lost CAR KEYS
Google team helps drama queen to google www.carkeylocksmithphiladelphia.com/ (215) 407-5942 for lost car keys made in Philadelphia !
My name is Arial and I lost Philadelphia car keys in dramatic fashion and that’s why I’m here on the lost car keys Philadelphia web site. My friends think I’m a drama queen but they're wrong. Stuff just happens to me. Like for instance I like nice things; shoes, handbags, belts always Gucci, Versace or DKNY. But I work hard and I buy with my own money. I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Do you?
Well, one day I’m shopping at one of my favorite stores and I see some three hundred dollar Jimmy Chou shoes on sale for one fifty. I shoot over to the counter like a rocket leaving earth’s atmosphere! I examine the shoes, try them on and they are the real deal and in my size too! I look back at the counter and this guy is walking away with my purse! “Hey you, stop, stop thief!” I must have sounded like an old lady in a supermarket. Off he goes running like he stole something! He did! My new three hundred dollar Coach Bag, credit cards and everything! A security guard was close by and he jumped out of nowhere and grabs the guy! Guess what he did? He reached in my bag and grabbed a bottle of perfume and sprays the guard like he was spraying tear gas! The guard doubles over and grabs his eyes and starts screaming like a banshee! While all this was going on, where are my car keys ? In the shopping bag !
After all the excitement was over one of the female guards in the security office was helping me to google a Philadelphia locksmith to get keys made for my Philadelphia car. That’s when she showed me how to google this car key car keys Philadelphia site with a whole lot of people like me on it. Good people in a bad situation. See I’m not a drama queen! This happens to other people too. And guess what else ? There can be a happy ending to these situations. All you have to do is know the right people, and this guy, the locksmith from lost car keys Philadelphia was one of the right people. He calmed me down told me some tips on how to prevent this from happening again and gave me a new set of keys for my car even made an appointment to get my house keys made. The store was gracious enough to take my credit card number from a previous sale and I even got my Jimmy Chou’s ! So you see what I mean ? A nice happy ending. Thanks to Sarah from the security office and thanks lost car keys Philadelphia for the moral support. Arial from Bensalem.
Where do we go ? What do we do ? Lost car keys for Philadelphia and surrounding area !
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CAR KEYS and serenity now, CAR KEYS and serenity now
CarKeyLocksmithPhiladephia.com (215) 407-5942 brings Philadelphia CAR KEYS and Serenity Now, Philadelphia CAR KEYS and Serenity Now.
CAR KEYS and serenity now, CAR KEYS and serenity now. Hi everybody. Steve here, and I don't just have a lost car keys story. What I have is Philadelphia CAR KEYS tale of the century! It's a lost car keys made story, a missing car keys story and a little rage management control story all combined! I'm a little bad tempered at times but I'm really a pretty nice guy and I'm getting help for my anger management. This, however, was one of those times when the treatments just didn't help! To start with, I overslept. So I woke from a deep sleep already late for work. So I ran right into the biggest, slowest traffic jam you've ever seen! The expressway looked like a overcrowded parking lot in a Manhattan rush hour! So by the time I get to the job I'm already 45 minutes late and I got chewed out big time by my boss. Good start so far? Well, hang in there. It gets better and a whole lot more intense. Lunchtime bell rings and I said, "good time for me to relax." So I went to my number one fast food store and they happened to have a line, all the way around the block! It's looking like the expressway this morning! But since they usually move pretty fast, I thought it would be O K. So after standing until my lunch break was nearly over, I ordered my favorite lunch and guess what happened? It's the wrong order! And not just a little bit wrong, but COMPLETELY opposite WRONG! Now, after missing my anger management class, late for work, lunch period ending in seconds and with the wrong order, I drive around to the front to the cashier and the store manager comes out to take the wrong order and exchange it for the right order and what do you think happened next ? The new order is WRONG! I think that's when I lost it. A big argument gets started and then he says, It is not our fault at all. You have a very unusual purchase." What? I say, "Who's slogan is to have it your way? Isn't it yours? Well I want it my way dag nabbit!" I went ballistic, tossed the lunchbag, along with my car keys, "AND I WANT IT MY WAY NOW!" I count to ten and serenity now, serenity now. Then I went looking for my car keys. Well I found all the missing lunch, the receipt, Every thing else. Except car keys! So when I finally got back to the job it's 15 minutes late from lunch break. so, I slid in unnoticed, minus CAR KEYS.
So the main thing I do at my desk is begin looking at google and all the Search engines for CAR KEYS and Phiadelphia car key locksmith professionals and I come up with the CarKeySHOPPE at http://www.carkeylocksmithphiladelphia.com/ I study some of the stories from other customers and I almost died from laughing! Hey, maybe there is hope for this day yet. I book the CAR KEYS guy and he came the burger spot. "What happened?" he asks. "Man you probably don't want to know," I tell him. "Why not just blog about it. Maybe it'll help somebody else in the same situation." After he passed me my new CAR KEYS that is just what I did. I took my anger mangement class and,Hey lost CAR KEYS guy, Good looking out. This is Steve, CAR KEYS and serenity now, CAR KEYS and serenity now.
The Car Key Shop , Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA (215) 407-5942